Informed Tree Services Ltd (ITS) is a specialist Arboricultural Training and Consultancy company (Scotland).


As well as providing consultancy services, Informed Tree Services Ltd also deliver training and assessment in nationally recognised tree inspection awards. We provide the following training:

Basic Tree Inspection and Survey – Lantra Awards (REF: TS01)

This one day course leads to a nationally recognised certificate of attendance in hazard tree inspection.

The course reviews the legal requirements of tree owners, the levels of risk posed by urban trees and gives an insight into the ‘defect symptoms’ that might suggest tree failure is imminent.

Cost:     £140/candidate excluding VAT.

Scheduled dates:      19th of May & 6th of October 2025.

Venue: Central Scotland – (likely) Daldowie Training Complex, Glasgow.

Professional Tree Inspection – Lantra Awards (REF: TS02)

An extended (from 3 days) 4 day, assessed, course leads to a nationally recognised certificate of competence in hazard tree inspection.

The course focuses on legal implications for both tree owner and tree inspector, the VTA process and the basics of applied bio-mechanics. Candidates will practice recording field notes and submitting appropriate remedial recommendations. Common wood decay fungi will be identified and their significance for tree management discussed. This course has an extra day to allow more time to cover topics in-depth and improve the probability of candidates passing.

Cost:     £395/candidate excluding VAT. 

Scheduled dates:       20th to the 23rd of May 2025. 7th to the 10th of October 2025 (four days inclusive).

Venue: Central Scotland – (likely) Daldowie Training Complex, Glasgow.

Professional Tree Inspection Re-assessment – Lantra Awards (REF: TS03)

A chance to refresh and recap the main topics covered in the three day PTI course, before sitting Lantra’s re-assessment. Half-day of training followed by an afternoon of assessment.

Cost:     £100/candidate excluding VAT.

Scheduled dates:       18th of October 2024.

Venue: Central Scotland – Daldowie Training Complex, Glasgow.

Professional Tree Inspection Refresher – Lantra Awards (REF: TS04)

If it has been over five years since you gained your PTI certificate it would be appropriate to refresh it by attending this one day, non-assessed, course. Aimed at ensuring candidates are aware of current arboricultural research and industry standards this brief course will leave you confident that your knowledge is up-to-date.

Cost:     £140/candidate excluding VAT.

Scheduled dates:       21st of October 2024

Venue: Central Scotland – Daldowie Training Complex, Glasgow.

BS5837 Tree Surveying & Categorisation – ITS Ltd Course (REF: TS05)

A one day course suited to those looking to produce pre-development arboricultural advice. This established course focuses on the appropriate categorisation of the trees’ ‘desirability for retention’. We will practice recording appropriate field notes and discuss how to provide impartial advice.

Cost:     £140/candidate excluding VAT.

Scheduled dates:       No dates scheduled due to revision of standard.

Venue: Central Scotland – final venue to be confirmed


Trees within the Scottish Planning Framework – ITS Ltd Course (REF: TS06)

A one day course developed by Informed Tree Services Ltd. This classroom based day looks at the planning laws in Scotland and links these with the requirements of ‘BS5837-2013 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations’. The course clarifies the differences between Tree Preservation Orders, Conservation Area designations, and planning conditions, ensuring the candidate can provide appropriate advice.

Cost:     £100/candidate excluding VAT.

Scheduled dates:       Available on request.

Venue: Central Scotland – final venue to be confirmed.


Hazard Tree Inspection; A Practitioner’s Guide – ITS Ltd Course (REF: TS07)

A two day course developed by Informed Tree Services Ltd. This advanced course looks to lead on from where Lantra’s PTI course finishes. We discuss tree inspection methodologies, required equipment, data recording, mapping, report creation and presentation. Candidates will refresh their inspection techniques and look at a broader range of wood decay fungi. This course will be delivered on behalf of the Arboricultural Association. 

Cost:     £200/candidate excluding VAT.

Scheduled dates:    To be confirmed.

Venue: Stirling Court Hotel, Stirling University.

To book places on any of the above-mentioned courses please just submit an online provisional booking form and we will be sure to get straight back to you.



  • Full joining instructions are normally forwarded 10 working days before the course commences.
  • Confirmation of any training place is strictly on receipt of 50% (of the advertised) course fee, or, on receipt of a purchase order.
  • Balancing payments are due, once ITS Ltd invoice the client, before the first day of training.
  • ITS Ltd charge VAT (at the standard current rate) on all training provision. All assessments are VAT exempt. ITS Ltd will provide a detailed invoice/breakdown of these costs prior to training commencing.
  • Organisations using a purchase order system have up to 30 days to settle the account in full.
  • Overdue accounts will incur interest at 8% above base rate, in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 and Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002.
  • Re-invoicing of overdue accounts may incur a £50 charge (excluding VAT).
  • ITS Ltd reserves the right to postpone courses and to change the training venue.
  • Should a course be postponed 10 days’ notice will be provided by ITS Ltd.
  • If a course is postponed ITS Ltd will transfer the candidates’ booking to the next available date. Should the candidate wish, a full refund will be provided within 5 working days.
  • There will be no loss of deposit when places are cancelled more than ten days prior to the course start date.
  • No refunds will be provided to cancellations made 10 working days (or less) from the start of the course.

Informed Tree Services Ltd Arboricultural Training & Specialist Tree Consultancy - Scotland